Acne breakouts are distressing, but the scars that are left behind are stubborn and permanent. These acne scars are an unwanted reminder of the bothersome condition. Acne scars are of two types-Atrophic and Hypertrophic. Atrophic acne scars are indented scars that heal below the layer of skin tissue. These scars are formed when the skin is unable to generate enough skin tissues to compensate for the loss. These leave behind uneven skin texture and scarring. Atrophic scars can be classified into three types depending upon the severity- Ice pick scars (small and narrow), Boxcar scars (flat bottom and defined border) and Rolling scars (with no distinct edges). The Hypertrophic scars are raised above the skin and are a result of excess collagen production during the healing process. Parisa Skin Cosmetic & Laser Centre offers a wide variety of treatment options to reduce the appearance of acne scars. These advanced skin treatments are performed under the guidance of th